52歌赋>英语词典>domestic help翻译和用法

domestic help

英 [dəˈmestɪk help]

美 [dəˈmestɪk help]

网络  家政助理; 女佣人




  • Officials say knowing the facts about domestic violence may help save lives and end the cycle of violence.
  • To offer house lease service for transferable personnel in your company or individuals as well as to offer senior nurse and domestic help for foreigners.
  • An invigorated domestic economy will help promote socialism without affecting its essence.
  • Assist delivery& acceptance procedures of the property when lodging in and moving out, introduce domestic help and Offer water and electricity maintenance service ( charge for material cost);
  • Beijing hopes domestic shale gas could help China reduce its dependence on imported coal and oil and make it more energy self-sufficient – much as the shale gas revolution has done in the US.
  • Tariff barriers, import quota and subsidies are the measures most in use for one country to protect its domestic market and help national businesses withstand the competition of foreign competitors.
  • A Research on Island Transit Taxes System in Late Qing Dynasty and its Social Unfavorable Influences; The later talks about the holdback Likin produced to the export of domestic goods and the help the import got.
  • Having a helping hand is always a good idea. However, make sure that the domestic help you are hiring is dependable.
  • They can beggar each other by chasing the export markets that remain, or they can stimulate domestic consumption, and help the global economy even as they help themselves.
  • Using FDI can make up the domestic shortfall, help enhance export competitiveness, accelerate the industrialization process, promote industrial upgrading.